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Live Since
December 12, 2020
Country / City
India, Chennai
Votive Shrine Church

01. The Challenge & Solution

O During the COIVD 19 pandamic where people where resticted to go out and stay under home quarantine to stay safe. This created a lot of stress on people, Govt issued orders to close school and instutions, all office employes were asked to work from home. Tempels and church were also closed. People and church was seperated for a very long time. During this time we had a thought to bridge the people and church to continue their spritual activities this brought us an idea and concept to bring every aspect of church under one cloud solution to enter the digial era for a virtual services and thus we started developing the parish desk software solution for the first time for Votive Shrine church, with inputs from several priests and peoples feedback was considered and incorporated thier need to make their life easy. 

“How to book mass online ? What time is the mass ? How to watch mass onlin ?”
– regular questions from the people

02. Development stage

We felt the need of the hour was to let people watch mass online and get their mass offering online. So we started developing the app with a basic user registration and then to book mass online through 3rd party payment solution. Later received feedback from many people to help improve the app to next level which can help solve most of their needs. We took these feedback seriouly and started investing in developing the app thourgh our own fund. We implemented the feature requests and now we have a live operational version 1.5 available for usage.

03. Results & Future

Since the implementation we have now accured more than 275 registerd user with 69% are non parish members who have started to reach and watch mass online and offer mass. Collected over 85000 since Dec 2020 for mass bookings for 850 Mass offerings.

We are working on our phase 2 stage which will provide solution to the church administration like accounting and workflow, Event management and fundriser and more enhancements to enrich user experience.